Rose Hill Chamber General Meeting Oct 21, 2021
Call to Order
The General Meeting was called to order by Gerald Amato at 12:00 pm. The meeting was held at RHRC Gym.
Members Present
Gerald Amato
Natalie Greenlee
Teressa Hammond
Vernon Hammond
Mia Lee
Jessica Minette
Lovina Finders
Sharynne Mattingly
Ryan Garrison
Andrea Deschaine
Gayle Tenbrook
Jason Steadman
Josh Meyer
Trudi Mankins
Warren Porter
Kevin Webster
Approval of Agenda
Motion made by , 2nd by
Approval of Minutes
Motion made by , 2nd by
Marketing Report
Fall Festival analytics for 902% increase in website/facebook contacts.
Marketing the Chamber: we are doing a business recruitment push. Asking all companies to tell their neighbor businesses about the benefits of being a chamber member. Former members who just had not renewed. Some outbound phone calls resulted in 10 new members this last month. Keep reaching out.
Social media awareness increased. Business listings were up also.
Mixers: RH Pharmacy had a mixer that included flu shots.
Member of the Month: Fueled by Spaghetti, with Dirtworks in line for next month
New Business
Natalie started the report for how the Fall Festival did/
Andrea reported on the Craft Fair and the Party at the Pond. Craft Fair was a big success. Tim Deschaine did so much to help with all of the events. Party at the Pond with beer garden was successful. Beer garden vendor was very happy with the turnout. Probably 130-150 people attended.
Andrea brought up the Hometown Christmas Storefront Christmas Decoration Contest. Encouraging everyone to participate.
HTC events this year will be back to more of a small town event. Will move the HTC Christmas Parade to daylight hours. Asking all the Chamber businesses to participate in the parade and festivities.