Rose Hill Chamber of Commerce Board Meeting May 19, 2022
Call to Order
The Executive Board Meeting was called to order by Gerald Amato at 1:05 pm. The meeting was held at Gerald Amato, American Family Ins Office.
Members Present
Gerald Amato
Mia Lee
Natalie Greenlee
Teressa Hammond
Jessica Minette
Lovina Finders
Gayle Tenbrook
Kelsey Lewis
Andrea Deschaine
Approval of Minutes
Motion made by Motion - Natalie; 2nd - Gayle, 2nd by
Treasurer Report
download the financial report
Chamber Dinner came in way under budget
Close the Illuminate account – again! the bank says it takes a bit.
We paid last year’s scholarship from this year’s budget.
Marketing Report
May 2022 Chamber Marketing Report
No new members in May.
Chamber Board Highlight – pick a member to highlight
Chamber mixer August 18, 2022 at Gerald Amato.
Our tailgate party needs to be coordinated through the Gridiron.
New Business
Special Guest from BCBS – Andy ( 316-269-1658 ) outlined the BCBS Chambers Health Group Policy that we are looking at implementing for our members. The plan they are rolling out will renew 1/1/2023. Existing BCBS plans among the individual businesses cannot roll their premiums, deductibles forward to the Chamber group policy. There will be some money coming back to the chamber ($10 per business that enrolls) $20 admin/month – $10 for administration and $10 to the local chamber.
Must have 2 employees; must pay 25% of the lowest plan
Communicate to our members? Invite to an individual business meeting. Invite Andy to the next General Meeting on July 21, 2022. We can communicate to our members earlier so they can attend the meeting with specific questions. Understanding of the dates and some of the requirements can be communicated early. We sent Andy away with a lot of questions and confirmed that he would attend the next General Meeting.
Welcome Andrea Back to the board
Old Business follow-up:
1. Chamber Dinner Follow up discussion what was good, what needs improvement – need more dietary options; good participation; (side note: we need to invite more businesses to be on the Chamber Bucks); good last-minute reply of the businesses that donated prizes
2. Hometown Christmas Update: HTC has its own Tax ID #, and identity as its own entity. They will be opening bank accounts and moving the money out of the Chamber accounts. Gerald wants a letter of separation.
3. Chamber mixer for this evening – at Morning Grit
4. Tailgate Party update and discussion – Natalie will coordinate with Booster and GridIron for the event.
5. Chamber ByLaws assignments – reach out to other chambers for a copy of their by-laws. 6.
New Business:
❖ 9/11 Memorial – would the chamber like to support and spread the news about this project.
❖ Home Based business recruitment – social media campaign? how to draw them out? General recruitment – do a push in an afternoon to approach lots of businesses.
SBA would like to come to one of our general chamber meeting.
Open discussion