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Exciting Things Happening at the Library


Rose Hill Public Library
Albert Einstein once said, “The only thing that you absolutely have to know is the location of the library.” Visit your local library in Rose Hill at 306 N. Rose Hill Road, and find out all the exciting things that are happening! We have new events scheduled every month, and materials to check out daily.

Inside the Rose Hill Public Library
Remember, if you want to check out books, movies or audio books, all you need is a library card. If you don’t have one of these coveted cards, sign up is easy, just bring your driver’s license. If you’re under 18, bring a parent or guardian. While you’re there, be sure to sign up for the Summer Reading Program – still going strong through July. Kids and adults can track their reading and receive prizes along the way! Remember, students score lower on standardized tests at the end of summer vacation than they do at the beginning. We hope to keep kids reading during the summer to help them transition back to school!

Story time at the Rose Hill Public Library
And don’t forget to stop by our used Book Sale that takes place every Spring during Rose Hill’s Citywide Garage Sale Days during the last weekend in April. In the Fall, the sale runs during Rose Hill’s Fall Festival, the second full weekend in October!

If you would like to discuss books with friends then join our Rose Hill Read Book Club. The group meets the second Thursday of every month.

We also have a Monday Morning Story Time every day at 10:00 AM for all ages. Keep checking for upcoming special events all year long!

Call us at 316-776-3013 for more information and like us on Facebook to see what’s going on at your library!

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