Rose Hill Chamber of Commerce Board Meeting, December 15, 2022
Call to Order
The Executive Board Meeting was called to order by Gerald Amato at 12:03 pm. The meeting was held at Gerald Amato, American Family Insurance Office.
Members Present
Gerald Amato
Natalie Greenlee
Theressa Hammond
Lovina Finders
Jessica Minette
Gayle Tenbrook
Approval of Agenda
Motion made by , 2nd by
Approval of Minutes
Motion made by gt, 2nd by ng
Treasurer Report
Spreadsheet for financials
$1250.56 profit for year
Discussed Chamber Bucks
– Outstanding bucks? Theressa tracks them.
– Should we put expiration dates. Gayle suggested both “Issue Date” and “Expiration Date”
– Any yearly limit for bucks. Budgeted for $200/year, but we generally do not deny requests.
$56.25 last year for our membership to Central South Chamber Organization. This prompted discussion to reach out to the organization so we can contribute/partipate in the group.
Next year for budget discussions we need to have a business plan to build memberships.
Website = $3600 so far this year. Do we need to increase? Vote in 2023.
Need to get boxes back for shop local campaign.
Motion to approve to keep $1500 in car show account by ng, transfer $3539.49 to general account. Motion seconded by Jessica Minette. Motion Passed.
Marketing Report
December 2022 Chamber Marketing Report
New Members: Besco Testing and Bentley Roofing,
Expired: Bloom, Ks
Renewed: Auto Body Connection, Happy House, Professional Engineering Consultants and Wichita Plumbing Co.
Following is over 1K now!
Mixers coming up: Library Janu and Andover Auto Body in Feb.
Chamber Dinner speaker Charlie Moon already booked.
Gen Chamber Meeting Jan booked for Rose Room, need to follow up with Kelsey for food with Truly Amazing.
Website views are down but mainly organic search. Top pages Louies and RH Reporter and Hometown Christmas.
Brought a mock up for general chamber meeting to spark engagement, will mail out to all members.
New Business
Old Business follow-up:
- General Meeting
- Shop local flags and poles
- Board Member positions
Vote on with members about moving gen chamber meetings to evening time to get more members there instead of at noon.
Draft form on website for Board Elections and open positions. Send post and email to members asking if they are interested in joining the board.
Add on chamber to events and website so people know April 20th 6pm at Morning Grit. Speaker Charlie Moon. Food Louis Cafe.
Jessica to get ahold of Warren to see if he can speak at General Meeting in Jan recap of 2022 and what is coming up for 2023. Also elections will be held for open positions. A personal invitation needs to happen for this too possibly?
Move general chamber meeting in July to evening Member Mingle, with board highlights, possible speaker and networking instead of current lunch format. Maybe Phil Mershon for funny interaction with members as speaker. Try a new format moving forward based off this.
Brainstorm with other small chambers on what they do for members and get ideas from one another. Possibly getting us to host this and see if they would be willing to come. Each board member will come to next meeting with ideas for this. Bring up at Feb meeting and make it happen for 2023.
Flag poles need to be replace, at least 6 need completely replaced. Gayle went to Waller Machine to make a metal piece to hold and flag better and not break each time they come out. Is going to design something for us possibly save some of the poles we have. Then he will come back with a concept and price for us to save some of the poles we have. Need to stop lending flag poles out since ours have only been out twice and half of all of them are broken. Will test with new aparatise from Waller and then go from there. Will make a decision by the end of 1st quarter.
Gayle looks to stay with BMAL # 7 mentoring position. Jessica looks to stay with BMAL # 4 Marketing, Teressa, Lovina, Gerald, Natalie and Mia all to stay in current positions and run again for 2023. Need additional Sec and possibly 1-2 BMAL positions to fill.
Open Discussion
Gayle made a motion to amend Bylaws to include new duties for board member at large positions. Natalie second and motion passed unanimously. New duties will be added to bylaws moving forward.
Will make calls for general meeting between all board members week of meeting to try and gain awareness and engagement. Gerald will send list to the board to make calls then next year will fall on Member at Large positions 9 & 10.
Meeting adjourned at 1:13 pm