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The Studio Blog

We post unique perspectives from staff and families as well as the inside scoop on events and activities going on at Rainbows on The Studio Blog every week. Visit

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The Studio Blog

We post unique perspectives from staff and families as well as the inside scoop on events and activities going on at Rainbows on The Studio Blog every week. Visit

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Looking For a New POS System?

Square Stand vs. Clover Station

By, Valerie Van Herk
Reprint from Payment Depot Blog, posted April 16th, 2015


A Comparison of the Square Stand to the Clover Station

Wondering how these two POS systems …

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BETA Classes and Workshops

Monthly Professional Skills Workshops – Customer Service

You have asked and we have listened! Going forward, BETA is scheduling essential skills workshops on the 2nd Thursday of each month. We will have topics in human resources, …

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Rose Hill Rec Logo Design Contest

Calling All Artists! The Rose Hill Recreation Commission needs a new logo to help brand RHRC in our community and we are asking for your help. Just follow ALL the rules below and you will …

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Google Wokshop

Chamber Hosts Google Workshop

Is your business listed on Google search and maps? 95% of consumers use the web to look for goods and services, but only 37% of businesses have claimed their business online. This Thursday, the chamber …

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Fundraiser at Barnes & Noble

Support the Library Fundraiser!

The Rose Hill Library would like to expand its collection! You can help raise money for new books! From Saturday, July 30th through Wednesday, August 3rd, a portion of your purchase at Barnes & Noble …

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Become a Certified Personal Trainer

BETA (Business Education & Training Analysis) has partnered with World Instructor Training Schools, and together they are offering a Certified Personal Trainer Class. The course integrates both face-to-face and online learning.

In this course, you will …

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Become a Certified Information Security Manager

Ready to advance your IT career? BETA (Business Education & Training Analysis) is offering a Certified Information Security Manager training program. This is a highly respected certification within the technology industry. After completing this course, …

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